Our method

Our method

Our “Sentimental Head Hunting©” method was created by Alcanda Matchmaking in 2013, and updated and patented by Matchmaking Corporation© in 2018, with the aim of uniting, in a professional and ethical way, like-minded people with the commitment to share their lives.

It combines techniques commonly used in the search for senior executives by professional Head Hunters, hence its name. But it also adds processes based on UNE and ISO international quality standards, which provide the rigor, professionalism, security and guarantees what clients expect when hiring Matchmaking services.

  • UNE 93200: Used for the definition and elaboration of services offering and quality commitments.
  • ISO 9001: Utilizada para la definición de los diferentes Procesos Operativos en la búsqueda de pareja para los Clientes.
  • ISO 10667: Used to define the different Operational Processes in the search for the ideal partner for our Clients.

However, when it comes to the search for something so personal, apart from the operational protocols designated by these regulations, we also apply a holistic approach that takes into account desires, personality traits, past experiences, life goals, hobbies, etc. through the following phases:




Analyze Client requirements in order to asses the viability of the process.

  • Inicial interview.
  • Face to face meeting.
  • Requirements analysis.
  • Definition of future partner criteria .
  • Decision making.


Define the search strategy to find the predefined target profile.

  • Search strategy search.
  • Best channels identification to do so.
  • Search activation.


Filter and select Candidates that fit the target Profile.

  • Long-list definition (Afiliates).
  • Interviews.
  • Short-list definition (Candidates).
  • Final Candidates screen and selection.


Introduce the chosen Candidate´s  “blind profile” to the Client and organize the introduction between them.

  • “First best” candidate profile presentation to client.
  • Coordination of agendas to arrange the introduction.
  • Organization of the introduction.


Identify if there was a “Match” (mutual interest in continuing to ge to know each other) between the Client and the Candidate.

  • Follow-up with the Candidate.
  • Follow-up with the Client.
  • Decision making according to both feed-backs.


Closing meeting to present our conclusions and recommendations.

  • Closing process report writing.
  • Meeting with client.
  • Conclusions and recommendations presentation.

First contact with potential Client

It consists of a meeting face-to-face with our potencial Client, or by telephone if the interested party is in another location, to learn about their personal history, lifestyle, future partner expectations, physical preferences, “emotional baggage” and what has worked, and did not in their past relationships in order to assess their true “emotional availability”.

This personal knowledge of the future Client allows us to determine the type of partner and possibly the most compatible relationship, as well as to identify the necessary requirements of that “ideal person”, focusing not only on the physical appearance of the future partner, but more importantly, the emotional, sociocultural and in the various affinities. In this way, we avoid falling into possible mistakes from past relationships.


Once the criteria of your future partner has been established, this is collected in an objective Search Profile which is agreed upon with the Client. This document allows us to focus the search without restricting it, since it is an “on-going document” that adapts to the evolution of the process.

In each case, a personalized search strategy is established and various search channels are activated that, based on our experience and knowledge of the Spanish reality, are considered most suitable for each Client.


Alcanda Matchmaking consultants conduct several in-depth interviews with the people they have identified as potential Candidates who we believe are compatible with the Client. Only in the event that both are aligned in personality, lifestyle, expectations and other parameters contemplated, we consider that there is maximum compatibility.

On the other hand, this face-to-face process allows us to assess factors such as personality, emotional availability, values, body language and personal appearance  that cannot be appreciated in a purely online experience.


Alcanda Matchmaking, although we are not present during the presentation, we take care of the organization of each presentation between the Client and the person we consider may be “the ideal couple” to ensure that it is a safe and pleasant environment, according to the personality of the person. potential partner.

This is probably the most exciting phase of the whole process when the two of you meet in person for the first time. This presentation allows you to assess whether it exists, the “chemistry” and personal attraction that you are looking for in addition to the other basic aspects that Alcanda Matchmaking has been in charge of verifying for you previously to decide if you would like to continue getting to know each other.


After each introduction, Alcanda Matchmaking follows up on it to convey to both the impressions and the desire to continue, or not. If this were the case, constructive feedback would be given to each person and they would go on to the next presentation in a timely manner.

This phase is especially important and we believe that it brings great value to both, Client and Candidate, since Alcanda Matchmaking consultants, as mediators, are an objective third party who will give an unbiased opinion on the positive and/or negative aspects of the evening with the goal of being able to improve, not only in future presentations but for their own personal growth.


Once the contract period is concluded, we prepare a Report of the process to share it with the Client, with our advice and recommendations from a neutral point of view and based on the feedback we received from the Candidates introduced to the Client, as well as the result of the process and of all the introductions made.

We consider that this information is relevant and of great value to our Clients, since as mediators, we do it in order to help our Clients in their future relations, regardless of the outcome of their Sentimental Head Hunting process.

In addition, in the event that we have identified any type of behaviour throughout the process, which has been recurrent and that we consider can be improved, we communicate it with our most sincere and well-intentioned words.

Legal notice: The Head Hunting Sentimental© method is patented with file number M-005179/2019 in the Intellectual Property Registry of Madrid (Spain). Therefore, the reproduction, total or partial, in any form of this information, will constitute a crime against intellectual property according to Article 270 and following of the spanish Penal Code.